Mission tour with Elder Marcus B. Nash!
an amazing week! Half of it was dedicated to traveling the island for the
Mission Tour with Elder Marcus B. Nash. He is a general authority and helps a
lot with missionary work. Elder Stone and I got to travel to Constant Springs
on Thursday to have several meetings with him and the mission. I was very
impressed with the genuine love he had for each of us. I could see it in the
very way he conducted the meetings. He didn't have a set agenda of what need to
be instructed and moved on but asked the missionary leaders, like Elder Stone
and I, first what we thought the missionaries needed to hear and then went from
there. Even when talking with the whole mission he would ask us what questions
we had. He did have three rules for these Q and As.
When you ask questions you are exercising faith, and when you exercise faith
you are blessed, so ask questions.
Remember who your question is being directed to, a servant of the Lord.
Ask with the intent to act.
One of the invitations he gave us early on was to extend an invitation to someone we are teaching that will help them to come unto Christ. Later that night Elder Stone and I were helping to transport things for the next day of the mission tour when we felt to call someone we have recently met. When we called him it turned into a very spirit led conversation and then into a lesson. Usually we refrain from teaching while driving for safety reasons, but with this short message that we had with our friend, we were able to invite him to make his prayers more meaningful. We talked with him about why we pray and who it is we pray to. Prayer really is important!
rest of the mission tour was very inspiring and I try to put into words just a
part of it. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know that
today we have a prophet, Russell M. Nelson, who has so much love for God's
children and leads and guides this church. I want all people to be able to feel
the love that I have felt this last weekend. That's why I am here. I love you
all and hope you can strive to feel of God's love.
This was a quick little weekly but next week's will fill you all in a lot more ...
-Elder Jensen
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