Another week in Mandeville

This week was pretty eventful! One evening we had a member who recently returned from a mission join us in our companionship study, which me and my companion have every evening, and we did teaching role plays with him. Haha, missionaries are pretty familiar with roleplays and usually are not fond of them. It was fun with him, though, and we learned a lot! That same member also brought a friend to church! We were pretty excited to teach her after church and, oh boy, did she have questions to ask and then her own answers to give to every one. I had begun to question a bit what  her purpose of asking those questions was, but we just listened and tried to really understand where she is at with her conversion and relationship with God. We are hopeful for her!🙏 

Here is one of the many things I've learned this week as well. I need to be careful playing sports... I also had a pretty bummed ankle from being slide-tackled playing football ⚽️. Watch out though, I've been getting pretty good if I do say so... 👀 
There have been a lot of small/large miracles with the leadership here and it's bringing a lot of hope for us missionaries. The leaders are really doing a lot 👏 and their goals and plans are coming together! We visited a member of the branch presidency and his wife and kids and he shared with us that the last few Sundays have been super good with a higher consistent attendance but that they want to really focus on retaining everyone who has been coming back. It was fun visiting with them because while he and his wife were talking, their kids were all over the place, sitting next to Elder Wilson and I, drawing and chatting non stop haha. 
We had a service project on Saturday for the international day of service and that was really fun! We were given an area of yard to cut grass, move rocks, and clean up. We actually got a lot of work done, quicker than I thought, because we had such a large group show up and mostly everyone grabbed something and started working. Also, my dad and brother came along so that was way cool! It was cool seeing them again but it won't be too long before it's more regular.
-Elder Jensen

Elder Wilson isn't really sleeping

View of Manchester from a member's home



Me, Steven, Elder Wilson

The whole crew from Mandeville branch, with a few visitors

Lunch for service

Early morning bus, I explain in the next email


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