So I can't walk on water ...
I feel really bad for the Elders in Santa Cruz. Haha so last weekend we were seeing a lot of storms coming our way on the weather app for this whole week. Then for the whole week we saw the massive storm clouds go right past us and straight to Santa Cruz!! We had a district counsel in Santa Cruz on Tuesday and it seemed to be a break in the rain. However, 10 minutes before our meeting was over, we heard it absolutely dumping outside. It was probably the hardest it has rained since I have been here! The picture I shared will show how insane it was haha.
One thing that I have been trying to do more recently is to not teach the lessons by reciting memorized speeches but truly teach by the Spirit. We are promised as servants of the Lord that the words will be given to us that need to be said. So if this is true then I can trust that that will happen. In lessons I try to solely focus on what Elder Schneider or our friends are saying and when an idea comes of what to say I go straight to it, or at least try to. At first it was difficult to trust God's promise but I have recently begun to see what effect trusting the Lord can have. It has been neat and my teaching has immensely improved!
We also had interviews with our mission president, President Odonkor, and I love that man! He surprised us by coming early and gave us an apartment inspection, which I think we passed... then he took us to go buy new curtains for our apartment!! YES! Haha, now I can have my bed sheet back that has been hanging over our see-through curtains! This was on Saturday and later after President dropped us off back at home, we went out to visit our friends Adori, JJ and Kirk. Right as we started our lesson it started raining. It was only starting to drizzle but Adori, JJ, and Kirk went straight to the chicken coup... I guess it was the closest structure and it is a pretty big coup but there are still 50 chickens inside, hahaha! So we finished up the lesson inside the coup and even though the smell was nasty, it was a good lesson. 😁👍👍
The Lord is hastening his work and it is plain to see. I think for next week's email I want to try to think back on some miracles I have seen and also look for the miracles that will happen in the coming week. I will share what I can but I want to give a little challenge to anyone who is reading this to think of miracles, big or small, that you have seen recently. I know you have been given them, so maybe take some time to think about it and write them down.
I wish you all the best and love you all. Live life and love it!
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