It's cold but I love it!

With this week's email I kind of want to start off with the spoiler of the week. Elder Henrie and I had our first friend baptized this Sunday!! She is awesome and honestly has taught me a lot about what a testimony of and trust in Jesus Christ really is. She truly trusts in him in all that she does and is the most excited person I have ever seen for baptism. She was referred to us last week by some elders in another zone and we are so glad we were given the chance to teach her and prepare her for baptism! That was the highlight haha, here's the rest of the week. 

It is so cold! 🥶 And it's not even the worse part yet. Also not much snow either which is a little sad. It just gets very very windy and cold through the winter. With that in mind, we went caroling twice this week! It was actually really fun and cool though. Reminded me a little of home and we got to end each carol with a message on Christ. One family actually told us to come back in 20 minutes for cookies and as a missionary you can never say no to cookies. So we got to spend a good amount of time with them, which was fun. 

We also had exchanges this week which is where you get to swap companions with another set of elders for the day. We had exchanges two days in a row so those days were a little hectic and I'm pretty sure I left half of my stuff in their apartments but it was a lot of good learning. I was able to get a lot of experience street contacting with the other elders and was actually able to find a lot of new people! 2 of which seem genuinely interested so within the next couple of weeks we will see how they go! 😁👍👍

With all of the craziness going on, my companion and I realized a couple of things different from this week to the one before. Because we were so busy and a little overwhelmed, we actually had less time to be distracted from the work. Then because we were being more obedient and focused we were definitely blessed because of it. No doubt about it! A scripture comes to mind when this concept is brought up and its 2 Nephi 2:2. This is Lehi talking to his first born in the wilderness, saying that the Lord will consecrate his afflictions for his gain. I always took this scripture as we will be blessed in our afflictions but from my experiences so far it could also mean that our afflictions will be dedicated and given to us for our gain. It is by these trials that we grow and it is often in ways that we don't understand. 1 Nephi 11:17 "...I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." God loves you all and that is the very first thing we need to teach most of our friends, because once people can understand that, then they can better understand the reason behind everything else in the gospel.

 I love you all and hope you have a great Christmas! 

 -Elder Jensen

Made a friend at a service project

Got a paper nativity from my family

Filling up the baptismal font!

Tried some hamburger haystacks for dinner

During exchanges saw some interesting statues on the college campus


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