It's Monday again?!
This week went by blazing fast! We had exchanges with the Santa Cruz area on Tuesday and I got to work with Elder Kirby in Santa Cruz and Elder Schneider and Elder Reeder went out to visit an area and got absolutely poured on. I honestly love exchanges because you get so much experience teaching in different ways. I learned a lot from Elder Kirby and then we also got to go on exchanges with the other companionship in our district.
Thursday I got to be with Elder Samuels in Junction and I learned a lot from him as well. We went to Tophill, which is our most progressing area right now, and spent about the whole day walking from one person's house to another person's shop and teaching them. One of which is Brittany Garden and she is the granddaughter of Sister Alveranga. We have visited both of them before but more recently, Brittany has been participating more. She tends to be a little more shy but shared a lot this last time and says she is going to start reading the Book of Mormon with her Granny.
Wednesday and Friday were the only days I got to work with Elder Schneider in Junction and they were pretty good days as well. We mostly just visited members while talking to people along the way. Still just finding new people to teach😁👍👍
Now Saturday and Sunday, the highlight of the week, general conference!! Conference was absolutely amazing! If you didn't get to watch it and want to, you definitely should. If you don't know how, here's a link for ya! My favorite quote so far was "If you want to know anything, you have to do something". It takes me to one of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon, Ether 12:6, "...for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." We can know for ourselves after we have tried it out, after we try our faith in the things that God asks of us.
So go out and try your faith! I love you all!
-Elder Jensen

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