4 Companions in one week?!

Woah lots of changes this week! Don't worry I am still with Elder Gajadhar. We had 3 exchanges this week so Elder Gajadhar got to see a lot of different areas and I got to take several other Elders with me in May Pen. First was with Elder Tekurio, who is in Hopeton right now. He is from Tahiti and really is a missionary of faith. We had a lesson with Sobrina Whyte, someone we have been teaching for a while and had her son baptized last year. She was so so so prepared for this lesson! She had some principles that she didn't agree with along with that she didn't feel she was good enough to take the step. Well the Sunday prior she had a confirmation of the truth and felt that she needed to come to Christ as she is and that He would do the rest. She is on date for baptism for the 28th now! I am realizing that God is doing so much work with these people while we are away and these people have been prepared for much longer than I've been here. Next Elder was Elder Braithwa...