So Much Work
We really have our hands full here and it's the greatest ever. One person we are teaching now is a young woman named Paula-Ann or goes by Apple. She has a baptismal date for August 5th and has been taught everything. We had the Elders in Mandeville come down for her baptismal interview. She's gone to church all growing up so she is one of the most prepared I've met. With her already knowing everything we will be teaching her a sort of mission prep because in the next year she hopes to serve a mission as well! We also had some amazing lessons with our friends Crystal and Henry that I've been talking about for the last 5ish weeks. We taught them at the beginning of the week and Crystal invited herself to be baptized! She was so excited and giggly it was so cool and almost hilarious! Henry is just as excited but wants to make sure he is good for it so he wants to learn some more before he makes a date for baptism. There's a lot of other friends as well progressing...