I just got a haircut from a guy who knew very little English!

Don't worry, the guy did a pretty good job, better than every haircut that I've given myself, haha. This last week cruised by. We didn't find many new people this week but spent a lot of time with those we already have met and helped them to continue to progress. Two of our friends from Haiti don't know much English and that is a struggle we are having with them. I still can't believe that we are teaching people that don't understand us but the members of the church who know English and Haitian Creole are a lot of help. One of our friends, Walline, who didn't know much English before has actually been learning and understands a lot more than when she first started meeting with missionaries. So that is way cool to see and gives me hope that she will be able to learn a lot more easily from us. It was another week of being fed a lot by members. Oh I love Nassau and food, haha. I may be getting out of practice with my cooking, though, so if I move areas or go...