Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

Oh transfers! It has been a good transfer in Montego Bay/Falmouth. I am going to have another one here in Falmouth and I am looking forward to it! Transfers are tomorrow and it's always an exciting time seeing new faces and saying see ya later to others. We had exchanges this week in Montego Bay and I got to work there again with Elder Bush! I learned a lot from him and we both definitely learned to be prayerful in our work. It was the first day of the exchange and we went to Sam Sharpe Square, middle of town, and went about talking to people. After a little while Elder Bush thought we should pray to meet someone. We did and the result of the next hour was talking with 4 interested guys. Now that may not sound too miraculous, but finding men who are genuinely interested in the gospel is a very tough thing to do. I also had a homeless guy grab me from behind and in not very nice words, ask me to fill his cup with my blood... I told him no. Another crazy thing th...