Vacation, work, surprise, vacation

Tuesday we had a mission leadership meeting and it went well, took a lot from it. We got pulled from our area early Monday morning to go to Kingston, to stay the night, and then have the meeting the next day... that was a little annoying but we managed and got fed. 😋 Ok, now imagine you're working hard in a new area, trying to get used to all of the newness and different circumstances. You love playing ping pong in the mornings and also being with the new friends you are making and then you get news that you're going back?... Back? Back where?... Back to Maypen!.. Wait, what!? Yep, I am back in Maypen. That was my last area 2 weeks ago and I took Elder Wilson with me. There have been 4 sisters there and they are going to replace us in Mandeville. The weirdest thing is that this is only for 9 days, so by next Monday, most likely, we will be back in Mandeville. Dang it gets chaotic sometimes 😅. The last few days in Maypen have been filled with a lot of confused and excited l...